*this is one of the most dangerous attack that can be used,it is used to redirect packets to and from any client to our device , and since we have the network key we can read/modify/drop these packets , this allow us to launch very powerfull attacks.
*it is very effective and dangerous because it is very hard to protect against as it exploits the insecure way that ARP works
*ARP has 2 main issues
->Each ARP request/respond is trusted ;
->clients can accept responses even if they did'nt sent a request
->we will first sent an ARP response to the client telling that " i am the router " , this is done by telling the client that the device with the router ip address has my mac address;
->this means that the router thinks that i am the client and the client thinks that i am the router.So my my device will be an intermediate between the router and the client,that is every packets going from and to the client firstly have to go through my device
*this is one of the most dangerous attack that can be used,it is used to redirect packets to and from any client to our device , and since we have the network key we can read/modify/drop these packets , this allow us to launch very powerfull attacks.
*it is very effective and dangerous because it is very hard to protect against as it exploits the insecure way that ARP works
*ARP has 2 main issues
->Each ARP request/respond is trusted ;
->clients can accept responses even if they did'nt sent a request
->we will first sent an ARP response to the client telling that " i am the router " , this is done by telling the client that the device with the router ip address has my mac address;
->this means that the router thinks that i am the client and the client thinks that i am the router.So my my device will be an intermediate between the router and the client,that is every packets going from and to the client firstly have to go through my device
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